Collaborations Detail - 2022

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Hansung school furnture co.,ltd + LOWLIT COLLECTIVE

People who love to read books are often referred to as “bookworms”. Once they start reading a book, they literally have an “experience of losing themselves”. LOWLIT COLLECTIVE thought this was similar to the state of selflessness, a concept described in Zhuangzi's Butterfly Dream. The “Dive” series serve as a guide to lead users to the moment of immersion. Pick up a book hanging over the handle of the Dive Lamp and tilt the light to illuminate the Dive Chair. The moment you sit on the chair, reality becomes murky like stagnant water, and boundaries become blurred. The Dive series were based on a collaboration with Hansung School Furniture, which produces educational furniture for educational facilities. They were made by connecting metal frames and panels made from small plastic pieces that cannot be recycled. In contrast to existing teaching tools, which are standardized according to the passive teaching method, the Dive Chair seeks to lead the process of learning and growth in an active way.

Maker.Hansung school furnture co.,ltd Profile

The collaboration with an environmentally conscious designer offered me the opportunity to rethink learning and growth from the perspective of sustainability. We hope to share this experience with you through our Dive series.


I felt Hansung School Furniture was the best partner to create high-quality collaboration since it not only has a manufacturing process for educational furniture, but also a group of experts who have paid close attention to the voices and experiences from the education field. Although the educational tool industry can be somewhat conservative, we were able to produce a high-quality outcome thanks to Hansung School Furniture’s active support for trying new things to lead resource circulation.
