
Design incorporates objects, people,
ideas based on the small pleasures of everyday life.
Meet your wonderful design world with the DDP Design Fair.

소상공인 타입

디자이너 노이 레꼬르드

Reimagining the Table, Cast Iron Side Table

Collaboration: TIPE and Noi Record

The cast iron (wood + iron) table is a side table that takes the form of a traditional piece of Korean furniture, the seoan, and interprets it in a modern way. The basic design uses iron plates to accentuate the curved elements, and the existing feldspar shapes and forms are transformed to give it a new feel. For the color, we used an ebonizing finish, a technique in which the iron reacts with the wood to create a calm and sensual color. Depending on the user's use, it can serve multiple functions and be used as an objet.


Maker TIPE


"The collaboration with the designer added a lot of ideas and inspiration to our usual design direction. We were able to communicate with each other and incorporate our thoughts on social issues into our work without much difficulty."


Designer Noi Record


"Being matched with a maker team helped me a lot in the production process, which was difficult for me as a designer. We were able to communicate with the maker and create the work we wanted to create." 

A floral stool made of three pieces
Modular furniture to expand your space