
Design incorporates objects, people,
ideas based on the small pleasures of everyday life.
Meet your wonderful design world with the DDP Design Fair.

Discovering Shared Common Values from Where Design is Needed

Launching Curator Lee Dalwoo

It is great to see you again as a director of the Seoul Design Festival and a launching curator of the DDP Design Fair.

Yes, this time as a launching curator, I am not only facilitating collaborations in various ways to develop good products, but also playing the role of introducing brands, which are diamonds in the rough, to the public. As individuals, makers as well as companies participate in the DDP Design Fair, which has distinctive characteristics differentiated from other design-related events, I was so excited to see a variety of products more than I had imagined. Of course, regardless of the scale, we are trying to evaluate and advise designs and products with absolute transparency to live up to its title as a fair.


Please tell us more about the distinctive characteristics of the DDP Design Fair.

Being held for the fourth time, we already know that the DDP Design Fair is a new form of matching platform that connects designers and makers, so I will not mention more about this part. In my opinion, what sets it apart from other events is that participants and curators share the journey of creating new products, instead of exhibiting and promoting products that are already made. Also, you will find it interesting when you see the age bracket of who participates and visits the DDP Design Fair. Most people are in their 10s and 20s at the Seoul Design Festival while there are a relatively large number of people in their 40s and 60s compared to those in their 20s and 30s at the Living Fair. Meanwhile, the DDP Design Fair encompasses all ages, which indicates that many people feel more comfortable with the fair itself.


What are your standards for the curation of the DDP Design Fair, which is full of charm and amusement?

Since our goal is to create products that can be sold and purchased, in some respects, it is important to select products that will be in high demand and are likely turn the business into a success, but instead we focused on their potential of growth through this fair. Even if it is difficult to create great results right now, we are trying to put more value on how much are you willing to commit and your.


You are currently working in so many different fields. Is there any reason behind this?

I never hesitated in rushing to any place that needed design, just as I do now, so I had more opportunities to work with more diverse people in various fields. Design should contain a meaning and message, which is more than making something visually attractive. Making a profit is important, but we need to believe in the power of design to do good. I think a designer has a responsibility and mission to find disadvantaged areas where design is needed and put it into practice.


I am curious about the brand you had recommended for the Launching Pavilion.

I recommended BE FORMATIVE, a creative brand that designs and manufactures products including tableware, rugs, chairs, lighting, etc. When the results of our efforts to promote design are placed in a space, it makes me feel that humans are communicating with the space. A space is created based on humans and objects. People use objects to share and cherish their experience in a space. The more I looked at and experienced the products of BE FORMATIVE, which fulfill their responsibilities and add more flavor and vibe to the space, the more I was amazed by their uses. I hope the brands or studios recommended by the curators including me steal the spotlight at the Launching Pavilion. To make this happen, I am thinking about setting specific standards for the benefits we should provide.


We are now living in a world filled with designs. What is a beautiful life to you?

It is very touching to see a design that has a playful yet clear message. It is not be an exaggeration to say that I became a designer because I wanted to deliver that kind of emotion. A moment of being touched leads to a heart-warming experience. Perhaps, a beautiful life is a life filled with these moments.

Stunningly Beautiful or Truly Intelligent
Designing the Essential Sensibility