Collaborations Detail - 2023

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SITELESS GROUP INC. + Viacollective

  • Marbella
  • Table, Table Lamp, Bench
  • Table, Table Lamp, Bench
  • Table, Table Lamp, Bench
  • Table, Table Lamp, Bench
  • Table, Table Lamp, Bench
  • Table, Table Lamp, Bench

The Marble Furniture Series project aims to breathe new life into high-quality marble by turning it into the main furniture piece and proposing unique designs utilizing leftover materials (recycled/upcycled). This series includes furniture and interior accessories designed to create a cozy and comfortable environment for individuals and families to gather and enjoy coffee or tea breaks.
Efforts are made to strike a balance between modernity and luxury while upcycling eco-friendly materials, fostering a sustainable and sophisticated living space. The design takes into consideration the efficient utilization of stone slabs without waste. After producing the main furniture pieces, the remaining scraps are repurposed for items such as lighting and decor. For small pebble-sized fragments and those even smaller, a system is in place to repurpose them into new materials using terrazzo and resin.


Designer.Viacollective Profile
