Collaborations Detail - 2023

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4th place + Isy studio

  • Screw Tools
  • Screw Tools
  • Screw Tools
  • Screw Tools

Design for Disposal

We aimed to emphasize the ease of recycling after a product reaches the end of its lifespan. Even with plastic as the primary material, we utilized screw joint technology to allow sturdy assembly without the need for additional materials like bolts or nuts. This design choice ensures that even after a lifespan has ended of product, each part can be easily separated for a smooth recycling process, making it more environmentally friendly both in the process and the outcome.
Screw joint technology has already been used in traditional woodworking. By applying it to plastic product design, we aimed to enhance the connection with sustainable materials. This innovative technology guarantees both product durability and ease of assembly while offering various design possibilities. It can be extended to other products and holds the potential for collaborations with existing plastic manufacturing brands.

Maker.4th place Profile

Designer.Isy studio Profile
