Collaborations Detail - 2023

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PIAZ + Yury

  • TATE
  • More versatile modular system furniture (table)
  • More versatile modular system furniture (table)
  • More versatile modular system furniture (table)

TATE is a modular furniture piece that combines strength, practicality, and structural beauty to naturally enhance any space as a focal point. Taking inspiration from architect Toyota Municipal Museum of Yoshio Taniguchi, as well as Barcelona Pavilion of Mies van der Rohe, the design concept focuses on achieving harmony between form and function, emphasizing structural elements.
Crafted from stainless steel, TATE showcases clean lines, durability, and precise proportions, evoking a sense of sculptural elegance. The assembly method is precisely executed and left exposed in the design, allowing users to develop a direct sense of trust and confidence in the furniture.

Maker.PIAZ Profile

Designer.Yury Profile
