Collaborations Detail - 2023

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Jun Hwi kim + Designer Gyeong-min Hong

  • Floral Stool
  • Stool
  • Stool

This floral stool is inspired by flowers and designed to break away from the conventional furniture structure where the tabletop and legs are typically joined. Instead, it maximizes the organic curves found in nature, moving away from the usual structural elements.
The final form is created by combining three laminated bending pieces, and when viewed from above, it resembles the shape of a flower. The graceful, curving lines from the legs to the tabletop evoke the image of a flower. In addition to aesthetics, this floral stool places emphasis on productivity in its design. The lamination bending technique allows for efficient mass production, saving both time and cost. This approach ensures a unified design while maintaining aesthetics and usability, facilitating high-volume production in the future.

Maker.Jun Hwi kim Profile

Designer.Designer Gyeong-min Hong Profile
