Collaborations Detail - 2023

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DAVY Co., Ltd + Designer Sang-ah Shin

  • Ceramic Diffuser Container
  • Ceramic Diffuser Container
  • Ceramic Diffuser Container

"Scent holds memories." The phenomenon where scents evoke memories is known as the Proust phenomenon. Scent also plays a crucial role in influencing our visual perceptions among our senses.
We aim to extract various sensations from scents, encouraging them to evoke memories associated with positive experiences. We seek to showcase a new genre of art where scent and objects come together.
In collaboration with existing product of Davi Co., the wood sticks diffuser, we have designed a new diffuser container with a natural and woody aesthetic made from ceramic material, complementing the overall sensory experience.

Maker.DAVY Co., Ltd Profile

Designer.Designer Sang-ah Shin Profile
