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17 Teams Join the Interim Sharing Session at the “Young Designers + Corporate Brands Exhibition”

Unique Product Development Processes are Introduced with the Keywords,

On July 5, the DDP Design Fair Launch “Young Designer + Corporate Brand Exhibition” held an interim sharing session. Each team presented their product development process, followed by an educational program on design trends and current insights.

The goal of the “Young Designer + Corporate Brand Exhibition” is to develop corporate brands and products through collaborative industrial project workshops between young designers from domestic and overseas companies and design universities, and to hold the results as a corporate brand exhibition. At the interim sharing session, young designers were matched with companies and these young designers presented the current state of their product development under the guidance of expert mentors using the keywords of 'AI, ESG, IMAGINATION, and FUTURE'.

After each team's presentation, the interim sharing session was followed by two special design training sessions:

1.        Collaborative design insights training on 'Generation AI: Designer's Mindset' by Sung Chan Koh of Samsung Electronics

2.        'The significance of design awards and effective panel design strategies' by Yoon Jin-young, CEO of Mini-college Mentor Group.

In his lecture on 'Generation AI: Designer's Mindset,' Sung Chan Koh, a designer at Samsung Electronics, explained the entire design process in the use of generative AI, from cases of using ‘mid-journeys’ to using AI in product design. He emphasized that the scope of generative AI has recently expanded, allowing designers to understand coding, research, trends, and more, which is a great opportunity for designers. In response to the participants' questions about the development and possibilities of AI technology, Mr. Koh admitted that generative AI can help designers create new designs and stands as an alternative to a new convergence process in product design development.

Meanwhile, Yoon Jin-young, CEO of Mini-college Mentor Group, presented "The Significance of Design Awards and Effective Panel Design Strategies," which advised young designers participating in the DDP Design Fair Launch’s “Young Designers + Corporate Brands Exhibition” to properly establish the main focus of their projects and the direction of the judging process by providing ideas for submitting to the competition. In order to ensure that the design products and concepts that young designers work on with corporate brands can lead to fruitful outcomes after the exhibition, Ms. Yoon explained the guidelines and focus of the competition and shared her expertise as a design panelist. When asked about the difference between a portfolio and a contest panel, Yoon said that the most important aspect of a portfolio is the prototyping process, which is different from a contest, and the understanding of the work process. In response to a question about how to approach a project that is not solely aimed at solving a problem, she said that you should have your own approach to show and explain the process rather than the result.


Young Designer + Corporate Brands Exhibition Orientation