
Design incorporates objects, people,
ideas based on the small pleasures of everyday life.
Meet your wonderful design world with the DDP Design Fair.

소상공인 9E:83

디자이너 솥SOT

The Pops Chair, a playful take on the rubber hose

Collaboration: 9E:83 and SOT

Pops Chair is a chair designed by recycling rubber hoses, which are often used in industrial sites and everyday life, but are difficult to dispose of due to their material characteristics. The chair, which started with the idea of using disposable materials once more, expresses the fusion of nature and people by comparing it to the process of mixing various colors of paint on a palette. The frame is made of multicolored rubber hoses in a simple, organic pattern, and the steel mesh is colored in pixelated form in each compartment, giving it a 2D graphic look. In addition, the knotting method is different to express the texture of the paint mixing in a three-dimensional way.


Maker 9E:83


"I had to go through a lot of trial and error because I was working with unexpected materials, so there was a lot of feedback during the production process, and it was an opportunity to realize the value of collaborating together again. Through this collaborative process, I was able to get a lot of new inspiration through ideas and approaches that I hadn't thought of, so I learned a lot."

Designer SOT


"I had new and diverse experiences by using materials and methods that I hadn't used before. I have been experiencing various difficulties while designing alone, but during this collaboration process, the maker helped me a lot with my lack of experience and gave me various feedback that was very helpful. I think that the process had a good impact on me as a designer, so it was a valuable time and an honor to work with them." 

Blur a table to make it more attractive
Stools and coffee tables with interchangeable colors