
Design incorporates objects, people,
ideas based on the small pleasures of everyday life.
Meet your wonderful design world with the DDP Design Fair.

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Over 900,000 people watched the DDP Design Launching Fair on-site live commerce

The art hall where the DDP Design Launching Fair was held, was filled with a lively and colorful atmosphere. This is because a live commerce studio had been set up where you could purchase the launching products presented at the DDP Design Launching Fair in real-time. The live commerce, which was broadcast by NAVER Shopping Live on On Air, was held four times for three days on October 25, 27, and 28, for 90 minutes each. The live commerce was filled with anticipation even before it started, as the show hosts wittily explained how the products were made and what they could be used for.


On the first day of the event, Eternal Pencils by one+design, a natural companion for the earth, environment, and people, LOWLIT COLLECTIVE's Tikke Pickers, and UnrollSurface's Bio Reet Cup tumblers featured in the event, which drew up to 220,000 live views. Afterward, we were inundated with questions about one+design's long-lasting Zai Carbon Pencil with a silver point that doesn’t need sharpening.


On October 27, excitement about the products was even higher with 220,000 viewers tuning in to see Anylock's Milda push-pull door knob for a clean and hygienic way to open and close doors, Chigong's eco-friendly oral hygiene gift set, and mo-on's Obicuum Air Home Detailing cordless vacuum cleaner, which won the Best Launch award, received tons of likes and hearts.  


On Saturday, the 28th, the last day of the live commerce, the studio booths were moved into the exhibition hall to tell the stories of the products more vividly right in front of them. Unique chairs from k.j design and Seungtae Jang were offered at special discounted prices during the fair, while recycled marble tables, benches, and lamps from SITELESS GROUP and Viacollective were applauded for their offer of free shipping. The coffee table and stool by outro and Viacollective, whose color can be customized according to the mood of the day, received a lot of questions. 


The next hosts then introduced products such as Company J (ZOO Keeper Design) and DesignMob's illustration wrap, Remake_Lab and Chilhan79’s recycled fabric, Hana Do Bag with design motifs from masks, and Ago Studio and Beenzeenee's Shang Shang Mirror, which was viewed by about 450,000 people and proved popular with live comments.


A festive, celebratory opening ceremony with something for everyone
Aesthetics from discarded materials