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  • Designer FLAVOUR
    The design studio "Flavor" adds a unique and innovative design "spice" that only we possess, much like adding spices to bland dishes to enhance their flavor. Through living products infused with this distinctive design "spice," we aim to deliver a new and sensory experience.


    Started living product design and production activities in March 2019.
    Received an award at the 1st Gangwon Design Exhibition in November 2022.
    Received a special award at the 36th Jeollabuk-do Industrial Design Exhibition in December 2022.
    Selected as a finalist at the 36th Jeollabuk-do Industrial Design Exhibition in December 2022.
    Graduated from the Department of Living Furniture Design at Seoil University in February 2023.
    Started activities at the design studio Flavor in March 2023.