
Design incorporates objects, people,
ideas based on the small pleasures of everyday life.
Meet your wonderful design world with the DDP Design Fair.

소상공인 제4의공간

디자이너 이목 스튜디오

Five mirrors made from recycled plastic plates

Collaboration: 4th place and Leemok Studio

The Five Mirrors was inspired by the work of Austrian artist and environmentalist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, who wrote The Five Skins, in which he argued that humans have five skins: their own skin, clothes, home, society, and the earth, and that we should cherish all the others just as we shouldn't hurt our own skin. This explains the connection between humans and society and suggests harmony between nature and humans. The Five Mirrors, which are made by cutting out a series of recycled plastic plates, similarly emphasizes the connection between the individual, society, and the environment. By connecting recycled plastic to the self and emphasizing that we are the agents of our own actions, the mirrors seek to engage people in a small way by encouraging them to look at the recycled plastic and recognize the good things they can do, rather than the negative feelings of what they can't do or what they are doing wrong. Mirrors reflect different things depending on what they are looking at, and plastics can be trashed or given a new life depending on how we use them.


Maker 4th place


"By matching the design philosophy of Leemok Studio with the characteristics of our material, which is recycled plastic plates, we wanted to create a work that could convey a message to the viewer, not just a product utilizing recycled plastic. Considering the spatial characteristics of the exhibition hall, the first thing that came to mind was mirrors when we thought about what product line could provide an interactive element with the viewer. People are always more likely to take a second look at their reflection, and mirrors are an iconic tool, so it made sense."


Designer Leemok Studio


"It was great to be able to work with 4th place on a recycled plastic material that we've always wanted to work with, and we hope that the work we did together will raise questions and messages for people and add to our positive impact on the global environment."


Reveal Rack, the dual appeal of a combined drying rack and shelf
Design for sustainable consumption and production