
Design incorporates objects, people,
ideas based on the small pleasures of everyday life.
Meet your wonderful design world with the DDP Design Fair.

소상공인 스튜디오메이어

디자이너 손태선

Environmentally responsible flower bud lighting

Collaboration: Taeseon Son and Studio may re

We were inspired by the idea that a tree that stops growing is just standing there with carbon in it, so if we take it, use it, and plant another tree in its place, we can repeat the ecological cycle of re-storing carbon in the atmosphere and providing oxygen at the same time, making the planet healthier. Based on this, we designed the product to be as environmentally friendly as possible. The overall design of the product uses a flower bud as a symbolic form to express the beauty of lighting and the delicacy of flowers. The curved and soft form of the bud was created with a focus on creating an elegant and inviting atmosphere as a light. The wood is cypress, which is characterized by its high content of natural antibacterial substances called phytoncides, which are highly sterilizing and harmless to the human body. The light is made of environmentally friendly materials and expresses both environmental responsibility and pure beauty through design and material selection.


Maker Studio may re


"The work we did at the DDP Design Launching Fair was based on designer Taeseon Son's personal work, but with a special theme and eco-friendly concept. This collaboration was a great opportunity to learn the designer's sense and ideas, and I think we created a product that can be recognized as a competitive product even if it is sold as an actual product, not just a showcase collaboration."


Designer Taeseon Son


"It was a process of learning a lot as a designer, as I usually make various designs with consultation and feedback on the structure and design of my personal work. It was my first time working with lighting, and it was a great opportunity to work with Studio may re’s knowledge of lighting and how they were able to easily explain and build the difficult parts of the structure and electricity."



Toysand: Living Products Made From Oyster Shell Waste
Stacking moments of true rest with light